Cara membuat bunga dari botol plastik bekas

Banyak yang dapat kita lakukan dengan botol plastik bekas seperti membuat vas, bunga, dan lain lain
sekarang saya akan membuat tutorial tentang membuat bunga dari botol plastik bekas
Material yang dibutuhkan :

- Botol Plastik
- Sumpit
- Kancing
- Lem
- Peralatan cat warna

Cara Membuat

1. Ambil bagian botol plastik bagian bawah dengangunting atau cutter

2. Bentuklah bentuk bunga dengan spidol

3. Cat bagian dalam bagian botol yang sudah dipotong agar terlihat mengkilap dari depan

4. Cat sumpit dengan warna kontras agar terlihat menarik

5. Setelah kering pasangkan sumpit dengan bagian botol yang sudah di cat dengan lem

6. Pasang kancing dibagian tengah dengan lem agar menarik

Selamat mencoba :)


What if i want to make flower from plastic bottle

Apparently a lot we can do with plastic bottles , not just melted back but can also be reprocessed with the creation of objects bermanfat .
One of them we will create a simple flower made ​​out of plastic bottles .
Raw materials such as plastic soda bottles : sprite , fanta , coca cola and chicken noodle sticks . To make it we just take the bottle base just to make it into a flower . To make it easier to learn in this tutorial below :


1 . Plastic soda bottle
2 . Chop stick
3 . Acrylic paint and brushes
4 . shirt button

How to Make

   1 . Take a plastic soda bottle bottom by                         cutting with a scissors / cutter.

   2 . Draw the global shape of flowers by                                  using a permanent marker and then scissors .

3 . Paint on the back of the flower by using acrylic paint ,          part of the basin in question is the basis of a soda bottle so that when seen from the front surface of the flat and shiny .

4 . While waiting for the paint to dry flowers , now we paint the flower stalks are made ​​of chicken noodle sticks . Use different colors of paint that flower stalk visible contrast .

5 . After two dry pairs by means of gluing the ends of stalks chop stick on the back of the flower using a glue gun .

6 . Put the buttons on the front of the flower with a glue gun .
     Make several that can be displayed in a vase and look more attractive .

Good luck :)


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